Covid-19 Update as of October 24, 2022

Click on the extract below to view data for all 13 counties in District 2.

EPI SUMMARY: Data source Georgia DPH and SendSS. Cases include all confirmed and probable cases. Population data source Oasis, 2019. Time frame as of 11/06/2020 to 10/20/2022. Vaccines introduced 12/19/2020 โ€“ decline noted in cases after vaccine implementation. Vaccine data includes number of vaccines administered in each county in District 2 and vaccines administered per 100,000 (of the total county population). Vaccine data also shows number of one dose received and percentage of residents as well as 2 doses received, and percentage of residents vaccinated.

  • Graph above shows weekly changes in COVID cases. The case rate reported in the graph is approximately half of the 14-day case rate.
  • Vaccine graph shows percentage of individuals vaccinated by age group.