Covid-19 Data as of March 07, 2022

Click on the extract below for specific District 2 county information.**Community Level Transmissibility added to the report Graph above shows weekly changes in COVID cases. The case rate reported in the graph isapproximately half of the 14-day case rate. Vaccine Continue reading Covid-19 Data as of March 07, 2022

Powdered Infant Formula Recall Expanded

NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:                                                      March 1, 2022 Powdered Infant Formula Recall Expanded Five Reports of Bacterial Infection in Infants Atlanta – A recall of powdered infant formula is expanding to include a specialty formula for infants Continue reading Powdered Infant Formula Recall Expanded

New CDC Covid-19 Tool Available to Help Determine Prevention Measures

GAINESVILLE –As we enter this new phase in the COVID-19 pandemic, we now have a new tool in our fight against COVID-19 to prevent community spread. The CDC has developed a tool to help communities Know Your COVID-19 Community Level.  Continue reading New CDC Covid-19 Tool Available to Help Determine Prevention Measures

Covid-19 Data as of February 28, 2022

Click on the extract below for specific District 2 county data. EPI SUMMARY: Data source Georgia DPH and SendSS. Cases include all confirmed and probable cases.Population data source Oasis, 2019. Time frame as of 11/06/2020 to 2/25/2022. Vaccines introduced12/19/2020 – Continue reading Covid-19 Data as of February 28, 2022