Covid-19 Data as of January 17, 2022

Click on the extract below to view data for all counties. EPI SUMMARY: Data source Georgia DPH and SendSS. Cases include all confirmed and probable cases. Population data source Oasis, 2019. Time frame as of 11/06/2020 to 1/13/2022. Vaccines introduced Continue reading Covid-19 Data as of January 17, 2022

Covid-19 Data as of January 10, 2022

Click on the extract below for data on all 13 counties. EPI SUMMARY: Data source Georgia DPH and SendSS. Cases include all confirmed and probable cases. Population data source Oasis, 2019. Time frame as of 11/06/2020 to 1/6/2022. Vaccines introduced Continue reading Covid-19 Data as of January 10, 2022

Covid-19 Data as of January 03, 2022

Click on the extract below to view data for all 13 counties. EPI SUMMARY: Data source Georgia DPH and SendSS. Cases include all confirmed and probable cases. Population data source Oasis, 2019. Time frame as of 11/06/2020 to 12/30/2021. Vaccines Continue reading Covid-19 Data as of January 03, 2022


REDUCE THE SPREAD OF THE OMICRON VARIANT WITH A LAYERED MITIGATION STRATEGY GAINESVILLE – COVID-19 cases have rapidly increased over the holiday weekend. The number of positive cases nearly doubled in Georgia since Friday due to the fast spreading Omicron Continue reading PROTECT NORTH GEORGIA COMMUNITIES FROM COVID-19

COVID-19 Weekly Update 12.27.21

Click extract below to view data for all 13 counties. EPI SUMMARY: Data source Georgia DPH and SendSS. Cases include all confirmed and probable cases. Population data source Oasis, 2019. Time frame as of 11/06/2020 to 12/16/2021. Vaccines introduced 12/19/2020 Continue reading COVID-19 Weekly Update 12.27.21