Covid-19 Data as of January 10, 2022

Click on the extract below for data on all 13 counties. EPI SUMMARY: Data source Georgia DPH and SendSS. Cases include all confirmed and probable cases. Population data source Oasis, 2019. Time frame as of 11/06/2020 to 1/6/2022. Vaccines introduced Continue reading Covid-19 Data as of January 10, 2022

COVID-19 Weekly Update 12.27.21

Click extract below to view data for all 13 counties. EPI SUMMARY: Data source Georgia DPH and SendSS. Cases include all confirmed and probable cases. Population data source Oasis, 2019. Time frame as of 11/06/2020 to 12/16/2021. Vaccines introduced 12/19/2020 Continue reading COVID-19 Weekly Update 12.27.21

District 2 Public Health Urges Flu and Covid-19 Vaccinations as Flu Season Arrives

New COVID-19 data shows that COVID-19 cases continue to decrease from its peak in mid-August.  The total percentage of case positives over the last two weeks has declined since it peaked this past summer. While COVID-19 cases continue to decline, Continue reading District 2 Public Health Urges Flu and Covid-19 Vaccinations as Flu Season Arrives