Men make up about half of the U.S. population, but they are more likely than women to die of chronic diseases and engage in unhealthy behaviors and less likely to take preventive health measures and seek medical attention when they need it. Georgia faces an uphill climb when it comes to improving men’s health across the state. According to a 2009 report by the Georgia Commission on Men’s Health, life expectancy for men in Georgia is one of the lowest in the nation — 72.3 years, compared with 77.8 years for women in the state and a national average of 75.2 years.
The leading causes of death for Georgia’s men are heart disease, cancer and unintentional injuries, all of which are almost completely avoidable with healthy behaviors and preventive health care.
Keep a healthy lifestyle:ย adopting basic, healthy habits will go a long way in keeping chronic, expensive health problems at bay.
- Eat a low-fat diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains
- Don’t smoke
- Get at least 150 minutes of exercise every week, including aerobic and muscle-strengthening activities
- Maintain a healthy weight
- Limit alcohol intake to two drinks per day
- Practice safe sex
Protect yourself, inside and out: Unintentional injuries, like car crashes, are some of the biggest killers for men. Fortunately, there are easy ways to prevent these injuries. It’s also important to protect mental and emotional health too.
- Always wear a seatbelt whenever you’re in the car, and wear a helmet on motorcycles and bicycles
- Manage your stress and find healthy ways to relax