Women’s Health

Family Planning provides education, physical exams, counseling, minor gynecological treatments, and various birth control methods. Services are based on a sliding scale fee based on family income.

Pregnancy testing is available at all health departments in our district on a walk in basis or by an appointment. 

Prenatal Case Management provides case management of prenatal women eligible for Medicaid to access needed medical, nutritional, social, educational and other needed services.

Cancer Screenings provide physical exam including breast exam and mammogram referrals to women on a sliding scale fee based on their income.

Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention Program provides breast and cervical cancer screening to low income women with no insurance.

Read the details of the program here: https://dph.georgia.gov/BCCP then call your local county Health Department to schedule an appointment:

District 2 Health Departments serve all patients regardless of ability to pay. Discounts for essential services are offered based on family size and income.
Thank you

Los departamentos de salud del Distrito 2 sirven a todos los pacientes, independientemente de la capacidad de pago. Descuentos para los servicios esenciales son ofrecidos dependiendo de tamaño de la familia y de los ingresos.